Ivonne Karamoy
InDesign Grid Templates
I've been working with InDesign lately experimenting with magazine layouts for a client. I used it a few years ago and I remember how much I love working with layout and typography and compositions. In my experiments and research I found this helpful resource to get you setup with different document sizes and your grids and guides. It has several templates that you can download.
Breaking the Perfectionism-Procrastination Infinite Loop
Denise Jacobs wrote this excellent article for those who are perfectionists and procrastinate as a result. As you get further along in your career and work you learn a lot more about how you work best and what barriers stop you from working well. I've always been good at creating client work and meeting deadlines for paid work. But in my personal work, I find it hard to get my work out because I wait for it to be 'perfect'. I'd like to change that and just show my process and unfinished work as I go, not worrying and waiting for the final 'ta-da' moment to reveal it. This article is really insightful and if you struggle with this, it's a great read.
A Formula for Speaking Fees by Jenn Lukas
This is a helpful guide for anyone interested in speaking in the web industry. Jenn breaks down the costs associated with preparing and speaking at a conference and what that means for you and your business and how to make it worthwhile for both you and your audience. More than anything, I think it helps to remember your value as a speaker and make sure you're getting properly compensated for putting yourself out there and sharing your knowledge with a paying audience.
Father and Son Shaving Set
I love great design and I think Harry's has done such a fantastic job creating and designing their products and the brand. This particular campaign is amazingly awesome and just in time for Father's Day! Order a set for your guy and his little guy.
(I have no affiliation with Harry's, I just think great products are worth supporting)
World Cup 2014 is just around the corner!
I'm not a fan of McDonald's (though I'm guilty of eating a Big Mac and/or fries a few times a year) but in preparation for World Cup 2014, here's an awesome little video commercial to get you pumped for the games this week...