get in touch

** I am unavailable for freelance work until January 2014 **

If you'd like  to get in touch about a freelance project or just to say hi, please send me a message using the form or via twitter at @ivonnekn.

~ Ivonne





Designer and illustrator specializing in brand identity design, web design and UI/UX design, based in Toronto via Milton.


Filtering by Tag: quote


Ivonne Karamoy

It’s a slow and ongoing process of sharpening your sensibility and also your own understanding of yourself and the world.
— Natasha Jen, Designer.

Natasha Jen is a partner at Pentagram and an award-winning, intelligent designer. I found this quote in an interview with her about her outlook on her career and it struck me. This is the definition of growth, career or otherwise.

Check out this PRINT mag interview with Natasha Jen to learn more about this thoughtful designer.

What is your metric for success?

Ivonne Karamoy

How do you want to spend your day?...

What is your metric for success?

Maybe your metric for success is you want to be recognized as good at what you do. You want to be recognized as being competent at what you do. I think that’s a dangerous road to walk down because now your notion of success is completely dependent on strangers and what they feel.​..

How you spend your day every day is your life.
— Merlin Mann (via Back To Work)